Research, Reports, and Presentations
Below you will find a series of publications, reports, and presentations from our friends at New Hampshire Housing, the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast, and other partner organizations. If you are looking for information to help make a policy decision in your community and can't find the information below, just ask. Email director@seacoastwhc.org and we'll do our best to help!
New Hampshire Housing
New Hampshire Housing conducted a statewide housing needs assessment intended to inform and guide housing policy in the coming years. The assessment found that New Hampshire is currently short 23,000 housing units and needs 60,000 more housing units by 2030 to address demographic trends and reach a balanced housing market.
New Hampshire Housing
New Hampshire Housing regularly produces a housing market report for rental and for-purchase housing. This snapshot, release in March 2023, continues to show a low supply of rental and for-purchase units with rates well below a healthy market.
Workforce Housing Coaliton
Presented by Nick Taylor, WHC Executive Director, in April 2023 to policymakers about the current market and potential policy solutions.
NH Association of Realtors
The New Hampshire Association of Realtors releases monthly and year-over-year data on housing sales at the county and statewide levels.
New Hampshire Housing
This guide was developed by New Hampshire Housing to provide employers interested in developing employer-assisted housing (EAH) with information about regulations and financing options. The guide includes case studies, potential financing options, and illustrations of how entities could collaborate on EAH developments.
New Hampshire Housing
New Hampshire Housing annually produces a comprehensive rental cost survey to provide rental data to the general public, businesses, and organizations. The survey includes data from over 17,000 rental units across the state.
New Hampshire Housing
This 2023 ADU policy guide research and written by Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission on behalf of New Hampshire Housing explores a range of initiatives implemented in other states and communities to encourage the creation of ADUs.
Our 2023 Greater Seacoast Housing Summit focused on this report. View the presentation from that event here.
Center for Ethics in Society at Saint Anselm College
The New Hampshire Zoning Atlas is a comprehensive database and interactive online map cataloging and portraying district-level land-use regulations affecting housing construction across the entire land area of the state.
Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast
Housing and conservation should not be competing forces. They share a common concern -- sprawl! The Workforce Housing Coalition gave this presentation to the Durham Housing Taskforce in October 2023.